Who is on your Wellness Team?

Do you have a TEAM of people helping you to be your best self? Not just the receptionist, nurse, and doctor at your OB/GYN office, but a group of people who are working with every facet of your body, mind, and soul to help you heal, grow, and become the best version of yourself you can be? You are a multifaceted human, which means you need a multifaceted group of individuals caring for you. Think about your group of friends. Do you have a friend you call when you need to talk about parenting and a different one when you need to discuss your faith, and maybe a third one to talk about your work drama? The reason you call on different individuals for different problems is that you need their particular version of expertise to get you through that moment.  

You need a team of practitioners to get you through each ailment as well. You need a multitude of modalities in your space to keep you at your absolute best.  

Keep your primary care provider visits. Get your...

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Is Your Screen Time Serving You?

There are a million studies out there talking about screen time. How much is too much? When should you turn your devices off? What about that blue light business? Is it different for adults and children? I’m not going to dive into any of that. Instead of hashing out how long, when, where, and who, let’s look into what you view. When I was young, my friends and I had a CD that we called the “Depression CD.” We’d listen to it when we were having an off day, after a break-up, or just whenever we were a little low. It was 13 country songs, from the country era of slow broken-hearted ballads. Nothing upbeat. Nothing empowering. Nothing that would help turn your mood around. Instead, it was about being engulfed by that sadness, by that slow, depressive movement. We used these songs when we were feeling low because they matched our vibration (learn more about your vibration here). The energy was the same. It felt comfortable to listen to because it...

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I don't have the time!

So often I hear someone tell me, “I don’t have time for that.” Immediately, I know that time is not the problem. Poor time management and maybe a lack of priorities are the problem. See, we all get the same 24 hours in a day. Most people have a 40-50-hour work week. Most people have homes to clean, groceries to buy and laundry to do. Among a million other things they’d like to do. The issue lies in having to make the decision between doing thing A or thing B. I used to have the same struggle, until I got intentional about how I spend my time. Because we ONLY get 24 hours in the day. I can make more money. I can buy more food. I can watch that show later, but I cannot get this moment back. It sounds so cliché, but the truth is time is priceless. No one can make more, no one can stop it, no one can refund it. When the day came that I finally realized just how precious it is, it became very easy to rearrange my priorities. It’s hard to do at first,...

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Health vs. Wellness

People use the word healthy to describe a lot of different situations. You have a healthy baby. You eat healthy food. You received a healthy bonus. You have a healthy appetite. You are trying to be healthy. You got a healthy serving of hard work today. You see, healthy is a word that is used in so many different ways, it’s meaning could be endless. The Oxford definition of healthy is “in good health” but what is good health?  

What about the pair, “health and wellness?” If being healthy is being in good health, what does wellness mean? Why are they separated? Isn’t being well the same as being healthy? According to Oxford dictionary wellness is “the state of being in good health” so, in fact, the dictionary says they are the same. Why does our society believe they are two different things then?  

Here’s my take, we see them as two different things. As Western Medicine, or allopathic medicine, is...

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